Friday, February 26, 2010

Step Up to Move Forward

Did you know that if you work too long on tasks the time it takes to solve problems can increase as much as 500%. Sources: Donald Norfolk, M.D., (U.K.) Executive Stress, and Etienne Grandjean, M.D., Swiss Polytechnic Institute.
That's pretty amazing!

We can prove that to ourselves when we've been working with piece of paper, put it down to answer the phone and afterward the call, are unable to find it. We're sure a leprechaun snatched it up. We throw up your hands and get a drink of water. Upon return, poof! The paper is there and we're darn sure that if it could laugh, it is laughing at us!

What is also amazing is that we often stand in the way of our own good to quote my friend Linda Mihalic. The same perseverance that pushes us to achieve is the same quality that overused does us in. The result--"The Zone" and I'm not speaking about the diet. We zone. We shut down, turn off and the light within us gets dim. We shuffle papers, re-read a paragraph for the sixth time and still don't comprehend it. We know we should call a client but frankly we just don't feel up to it.

I experience"The Zone". My friends and colleagues tell me they do and I'll bet you have once or twice as well. Research tells us 10%-15% of time is wasted in organizations due to mental space outs! (E. Granjean, M. Moore-Ede, et alI) I guess A LOT of people do!

So why do we not take the "time in" ? I think we convince ourselves we cannot "afford" the time. Our lives are taking shape "out there" we think. Shouldn't we be there with it? We imagine if we're not "doing" something, we're doing nothing at all.

Fact is, our lives really begin to take shape "in here" within the quiet well within us and "up there" in Universal Realms above us. Do we know this? Yes. Do we give ourselves permission ENOUGH to surrender to this wisdom--to take a step up to move forward? Not often enough.

Illumination * Intuition * Inspiration need "active listening"--that is participating and being in rapport with that which can birth it and nourish it. How do we do that? Dr. Edna Lister, internal lecturer and teacher, offers two ways.

Adopt the language of "Letting" to unleash the "creative spark" and calm within us.

When you feel yourself tightening up, surrender to a quiet moment. Become mind-full. Some folks in my programs have found this exercise helpful in experiencing the concept of "letting". Tighten your hands into fists and then simply unfold them into open palm positions. Do this with an attitude of "letting". Repeat several times until you experience tension unwinding. "Let" signals openness, receptivity and trust in Universal Flow.

Add a positive dialogue with the Universe and yourself in your mind or out loud. "Let" this thing I'm worried about work out as it needs to. "Let" my anxiety dissipate. "Let" me get out of my way to make way for wisdom greater than mine. Let, let, let! After you've experienced this unfolding accompanied by "LET", you can visualize the words and the actions when completing the exercise is not appropriate. Just two minutes of quiet every half an hour will do amazing things to recover energy and focus.

You can strength your ability to access inspiration and intuition through Dr. Lister's technique "The Silence". Sit with your spine straight, but not stiff. Raise your arms above your waist until your palms are ear height. Turn your palms inward toward yourself. This stimulates your heart, throat and crown energy centers and forms an inverted "V", cup-like. Breathe in from the crown down and let your cup be filled with light. "Let"-- receive and align.

Five minutes a day can do much to quiet the noise and stop the static so you can see the pattern and connections inherent in the input we receive daily. This allows synthesization which sharpens decision making, creativity, thinking on your feet and inner quality.

R e p l e n i s h

Step back, go up and become an active listener with the Universe and your inner well then move forward recharged and realigned.